Tattooer & Multimedia Artist

Ana Strangebird

Expression is not a means to an end for the artist. It is an end in and of itself. To live expressively is to live free of the mask.
As artists, we see the holistic beauty and simultaneous torment. We pull a form that can be seen, heard, felt, sensed by others from our perception of  life to be interpreted through their lens. We share ourselves with the world passionately and unapologetically. We communicate ourselves through our work.
My ambition is meaningful human connection. I speak to my viewer or client through a variety of mediums and with the use of heavy texture, line, and bold color.


Ana is a tattoo artist working at Electric Umbrella Tattoo in Virginia Beach. She currently resides in Chesapeake, Virginia. Her uncommissioned artwork centers around contemporary social inequities and injustices and overlaps with themes of motherhood, love, and loss.

"I was more productive because I was more sensual; I lived as a human being must live, passionately interested in everything"--
Käthe Kollwitz
German Expressionist Artist